Crime and Coronavirus in the US - All You Need to Know

Crime and Coronavirus in the US - All You Need to Know

With the global population reeling under the effects of the Coronavirus, there is a lot that is affected by the pandemic. The economy and the medical infrastructure are greatly affected but there is also the crime rate that is the concern of any social fabric. So what is the effect of the pandemic on criminal offenses in the US? Is the need for criminal law attorneys Los Angeles decreasing? Let’s find out.

What’s the Effect of the Pandemic on Crime Rate?

If reports are to be believed, the enforced state of isolation has caused a great effect on criminal actions across the country. While some crimes have significantly reduced, others have seen a sudden rise.

Cyber Crime:
With social distancing in practice and more people resorting to Work from Home, there has been a gradual rise in cyber crime. Lesser security in home systems means there is more data at risk which is why cyber criminals are making the most of this opportunity. Even government data in the US has been reported to have been exposed to cyber attacks. In a reported incident, some individuals impersonating WHO employees were also found.

Terrorist Attacks:
A steady rise has been noted in terror attacks by known terrorist groups around the world. In fact, some groups have been reported to deliberately take advantage of the pandemic since most armed forces are directed to enforcing the pandemic rules in the country. Attacks in hospitals and funerals have also been carried out by international terrorist organizations.

Domestic Violence:
The maximum rise in the country and worldwide has been seen in the rate of domestic violence. With the hardcore implementation of home quarantining, there has been an immense increase in the number of domestic violence cases. Cases of missing partners, battery, and murder have seen a rise like never before. This has also resulted in the demand for more criminal law attorneys Los Angeles.

Hate Crimes:
Of all the crimes, hate crimes have also been on the top since March 2020. People from Asian American, Pacific Island and Chinese communities have especially been at the center of these attacks as most of the US public associates the spread of the virus to these communities. Brutal assaults and murder crimes have been reported in the US against Asian American families due to the misconception held by many US citizens.

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If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges and are looking for a criminal law attorney Los Angeles, then call (310) 994-7989 for representation by veteran lawyer C. Robert Brooks. These are challenging times, but we assure you that we will do our best to bring you the best possible outcome. Call us for a free consultation now!