DUI Third Offense

DUI Third Offense in Los Angeles

Being charged with DUI in the state of California carries with it very serious penalties if you’re convicted. With each subsequent conviction, those penalties become increasingly harsh. If you’re facing your third DUI conviction in ten years, you need an experienced LA DUI attorney to handle your case. Contact C. Robert Brooks, Attorney at Law immediately.

Penalties for a Third-Time DUI in California

As is the case with first and second DUIs, a third-time DUI is still a misdemeanor offense in the state of California unless there are aggravating circumstances surrounding the arrest. Third DUI convictions, however, carry enhanced penalties, including:

  • At least 120 days in county jail, with a maximum time of 364 days
  • Fines up to $1,000 (the courts may assess additional costs)
  • 18 months of alcohol and substance abuse education
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) for two years, which you can drive with. If you refuse an IID, your driving privileges will be suspended for three years.

Contact C. Robert Brooks, Attorney at Law immediately.

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How to Avoid Jail Time for DUI Third Offense in California

Drunk driving is a criminal offense that is taken seriously both at the DMV and in court. DUI is considered a serious offense which is why a repeated offense is dealt with more severly and the penalties are also significantly increased.

A third time DUI offense can result in jail time, two or more years of license suspension, and heavy fines. While license suspension and heavy fines can be dealt with, jail time can prove to be problematic in one’s career. Furthermore, jail time can add to the social stigma, which is why avoiding jail time is so important.

While many people consider fighting their case on their own, it is best to choose a DUI attorney to fight for you. C. Robert Brooks is a DUI attorney who has the experience necessary to defend a DUI case at both the DMV and in court. Brooks understands the intricasies involved in a DUI defense.

Brooks’ law office can assure you that the best possible defense will be provided for you to work to avoid jail time for a third-time DUI.

How the 10-Year Rule Works

Any prior DUI conviction that you received within 10 years of your current arrest can be counted against you when it comes to determining whether or not you will be charged with a third DUI. That means that your prior DUIs may not be counted against you if they occurred outside the 10-year window. If one or both of your previous DUI convictions occurred in another state, however, the courts may count them as prior DUI convictions for the purpose of prosecuting you under the enhanced penalties if they occurred within the past 10 years.

License Suspension

You may recall from your past DUI arrests that the police confiscated your license. The same thing occurs with a third DUI. Assuming that your license was valid prior to the current DUI arrest, you will be issued a temporary license that will allow you to drive for thirty days. You or your DUI defense lawyer must request a DMV administrative hearing within 10 days of your arrest to avoid an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. It’s important to note that this DMV hearing is not the same as your criminal trial. It’s an administrative process to determine whether or not your driving privileges will be suspended pending trial.

Contact our Los Angeles office immediately for a free initial consultation.

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Getting 3rd DUI reduced in California

A third DUI offense can have dramatic consequences for the defendant. Drunk driving laws in California are extremely strict, especially with multiple priors. As mentioned before, a third-time DUI can result in a minimum of 120 days in county jail, fines of over $1000, and mandatory DUI school.

Although penalties are subject to the circumstances leading to the arrest, they can have a dramatic and deleterious effect on a person’s life and career. To minimize DUI penalties, it is important to mount a vigorous defense. At C. Robert Brooks’ law office, we can promise you that every detail of your case will be well scrutinized and used to attain the best outcome in your case.

Getting a third time DUI reduced in California is a tough task. But there are many factors that can affect the penalties and outcome. Some of the factors involved are the physical state of the driver, the blood alcohol level in the driver’s system, if there were other controlled substances involved, and if the driver’s actions put others at increased risk.

With 25 years of experience in fighting DUI cases, Brooks understands that these factors are all in play. His expertise can help in getting third DUI reduced or even dismissed.

Are you facing a DUI conviction? Contact C Robert Brooks now for detailed consultation and review of your case.

Third-Offense DUI Lawyer in Los Angeles

Whether you feel the charges against you were warranted or not, it’s important to find an attorney who can mount an aggressive defense on your behalf. An experienced LA DUI lawyer can help you get your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. Attorney C. Robert Brooks has been successfully defending clients for decades and he can offer you top-tier legal counsel. Contact our Los Angeles office immediately for a free initial consultation.